Tuesday Tips & Tricks - No sweat!

Seeing as how we're about smack dab in the middle of the summer months and, for most areas of the US, about to embark on the hottest half of all, I thought it might be good to address the topic of perspiration.  Of course my family and friends in Texas (Go Spurs!) will laugh since it's been over 100 degrees there for a while.  The good news is that it will still be hot there for another few months so you have plenty of time to give these tips a try.  Now, since I'm not a doctor of medicine I stick to what I know... apparel.  Having sweat stains on your shirt is embarrassing and can be really distracting to you and to others .  Going beyond deodorant, here are some products that can help. Note: Just to be clear, I do not receive any "kickbacks" from these companies.  I'm solely devoted to my friends and clients and want to make it easy for you to find what you need.

First, natural fibers: stick to clothing made from natural fibers.  For example cotton, bamboo and lightweight wool (also called tropical wool), linen, etc.  Synthetic fibers don't breathe and can cause you to perspire more than normal.

For the gents, when wearing a dress shirt or any kind of button-down shirt an undershirt is a must.  The 100% cotton variety is still a classic and does an excellent job.  However if you require a little extra absorbency try this:

Silverback undershirts: http://www.silverbackapparel.com/store/apparel Pricey but worth it.

http://www.vdri.net/?gclid=CJXn-rSb1ZsCFQEhDQodkzAOKw Less expensive and great for keeping moisture away but may not stay tucked into pants very well.

Added bonus, both these labels produce in the USA & Canada.

For my ladies I always recommend a cami under a button-down shirt to prevent any inappropriate moments (gaping placket to reveal sexy bra meant for after work, shirt much more see through under office lights than at home, you get the idea) and I love this bamboo option from Jockey: http://www.barenecessities.com/Jockey-Naturals-Bamboo-Camisole_product_Jockey2394_,search,.htm

"But the underarms are exposed," you say?  No problem, got those covered too!

These underarm disposable absorbent pads adhere to your clothes and absorb the moisture: http://www.kleinertsshields.com/products.php?cat=13#dispos

If the no-frills approach of Kleinets doesn't appeal to you, here's a "pink and pretty" approach: http://www.hollywoodfashiontape.com/products_behind_the_seams.cfm 

If you prefer a non-disposable version for a more eco-conscious approach try these:


And just when you thought you couldn't find any more uses for baking soda, I've got one more!  Sprinkle a little baking soda under your arms to neutralize odor and absorb moisture.  Hey, it works in the fridge!

Good luck and stay cool... and dry!

Do you know of an amazing product I missed?  Have a specific conundrum you'd like me to address on my next Tuesday Tips & Tricks?  Click "leave a comment" and tell me about it. 

By the way, my upcoming blog will be about men's style basics.  Stay tuned and have a great week!

The Color Connection

If you are an avid HGTV viewer or have ever contemplated what color to paint a room, you might be familiar with the theory that color affects mood.  For example, green and blue are colors that soothe and so are often used in spas, bedrooms and medical facilities.  Red and orange encourage appetite and are great for dining rooms (unless you’re on a diet).  But have you ever thought to apply this same color theory to your wardrobe?  The colors you wear can have an effect on the people you meet physiologically and via association.  For example, what do you think when you see the color neon orange?  For most people it means, "ATTENTION! " the physiological response,  and  "road construction", the association.  (For some of us there is also a secondary 80's reference, but that's another story.)  Here are a few tips on how to use color to your advantage to communicate the message you want.

You will respect my authoritah!  To convey authority and strength choose a structured suit in a dark color like navy, black or charcoal grey. 

For a softer, more approachable appeal, choose light grey or tan

Bright and Center  Red, Orange, Yellow and Purple are energetic colors that leave an impression.  To impart a memorable message of positive energy incorporate these colors in your look in small doses… they can be too much of a good thing.

The muted versions of these colors, Pink, Peach, Light Yellow and Lilac respectively, are relaxing and nurturing colors. 

No Affiliation Steer clear of color combinations that have definite associations in people’s minds since this will distract from your desired focus… you. 

Examples:  Green + Red = Christmas;  Orange + Black = Halloween

Use other color associations to your advantage.  For example:

Blue = stable, loyal, trustworthy

Purple = luxurious, wise, creative

Orange = warm, enthusiastic, energetic

You Look a Little Green The color worn closest to your face will reflect onto your skin, so it’s important to choose colors that are complimentary to your skin tone.  Choosing the right color can actually make you look healthier and younger.  The wrong color can have the exact opposite effect.  As a general rule I would recommend staying away from a lot of green next to the face.

Playing it Safe When all else fails and you need a sure thing, go with cornflower blue.  It looks great on just about everyone and has all the stability of blue but the energy of a bright color.