The Holy Grail - Cute Mommy-On-The-Go Shoes

No Stilettos SignThere are certain questions I get asked a lot. One of those questions is what shoes to wear and still look cute as a fully functioning mommy-on-the-go. With two young boys of my own this is a struggle I am all too familiar with. I give props to the women that can do it, but for me stilettos and kiddos don't go together. Let me go ahead and add a few other curves into the mix based off of my own struggles.

I am not tall and I do not have skinny legs. In my experience "skinny" is as subjective a concept as "affordable". However I think it is fair to state as a fact that I do not have cute, thin legs (I will stop there lest I fall into a self-deprecating rant) and I am all of 5'4". Therefore I prefer shoes with some heel and/or pointy toe to give a leaner and longer look.

I live in Houston. Right now it is the middle of October and it's a lovely 85 degrees with 45% humidity. Great for being outside, NOT great for knee-high boots and it could be like this until Thanksgiving. I'm not complaining, but it does make wearing cute Fall fashions a challenge.

With all this in mind, here are some suggestions beyond the obvious knee-high boots, for all the busy women out there, like me, that want to be on-the-go and look cute doing it this Fall.

Fall in Houston

Tuesday Tips & Tricks: a time to give

You might be familiar with "Dress for Success", an organization that helps women get back on their feet by assisting them with professional attire that they otherwise wouldn't be able to afford.  Well during the month of September, Men's Warehouse is hoping to do the same for men by funding "The National Suit Drive".

If you haven't already, you're probably thinking about going through your wardrobe and moving the cool weather items to the front.  Now is the perfect time to go through your/your husband/boyfriend's suits and finally pull out those that are never worn anymore.  Your donation could be the difference to another man's confidence.  So if it's something you had in mind but have been putting off, please take the time to go through your men's suits now and donate at your nearest Men's Warehouse before September 30th.  While you're at it, go ahead and pull out some women's suits to donate to "Dress for Success".

For more information and to find the locations nearest you click on this link and visit the Men's Warehouse website.

Have a wonderful week!
