Tuesday Tips & Tricks - No sweat!

Seeing as how we're about smack dab in the middle of the summer months and, for most areas of the US, about to embark on the hottest half of all, I thought it might be good to address the topic of perspiration.  Of course my family and friends in Texas (Go Spurs!) will laugh since it's been over 100 degrees there for a while.  The good news is that it will still be hot there for another few months so you have plenty of time to give these tips a try.  Now, since I'm not a doctor of medicine I stick to what I know... apparel.  Having sweat stains on your shirt is embarrassing and can be really distracting to you and to others .  Going beyond deodorant, here are some products that can help. Note: Just to be clear, I do not receive any "kickbacks" from these companies.  I'm solely devoted to my friends and clients and want to make it easy for you to find what you need.

First, natural fibers: stick to clothing made from natural fibers.  For example cotton, bamboo and lightweight wool (also called tropical wool), linen, etc.  Synthetic fibers don't breathe and can cause you to perspire more than normal.

For the gents, when wearing a dress shirt or any kind of button-down shirt an undershirt is a must.  The 100% cotton variety is still a classic and does an excellent job.  However if you require a little extra absorbency try this:

Silverback undershirts: http://www.silverbackapparel.com/store/apparel Pricey but worth it.

http://www.vdri.net/?gclid=CJXn-rSb1ZsCFQEhDQodkzAOKw Less expensive and great for keeping moisture away but may not stay tucked into pants very well.

Added bonus, both these labels produce in the USA & Canada.

For my ladies I always recommend a cami under a button-down shirt to prevent any inappropriate moments (gaping placket to reveal sexy bra meant for after work, shirt much more see through under office lights than at home, you get the idea) and I love this bamboo option from Jockey: http://www.barenecessities.com/Jockey-Naturals-Bamboo-Camisole_product_Jockey2394_,search,.htm

"But the underarms are exposed," you say?  No problem, got those covered too!

These underarm disposable absorbent pads adhere to your clothes and absorb the moisture: http://www.kleinertsshields.com/products.php?cat=13#dispos

If the no-frills approach of Kleinets doesn't appeal to you, here's a "pink and pretty" approach: http://www.hollywoodfashiontape.com/products_behind_the_seams.cfm 

If you prefer a non-disposable version for a more eco-conscious approach try these:


And just when you thought you couldn't find any more uses for baking soda, I've got one more!  Sprinkle a little baking soda under your arms to neutralize odor and absorb moisture.  Hey, it works in the fridge!

Good luck and stay cool... and dry!

Do you know of an amazing product I missed?  Have a specific conundrum you'd like me to address on my next Tuesday Tips & Tricks?  Click "leave a comment" and tell me about it. 

By the way, my upcoming blog will be about men's style basics.  Stay tuned and have a great week!

A Truly Unique Gift

Do you want to spoil your significant other for Valentine's Day, their birthday or an anniversary but you're out of fresh ideas?  Give your loved one a day with their very own personal stylist!  What could be better than being treated like a celebrity for a day?  What beats trying on clothes that you're sure will look great on you and having someone compliment you all day long? 

A lot of men and women hate shopping.  Some hate it because it's overwhelming to weed through the thousands of garments on the racks while others hate it because they try on a bunch of ill fitting clothes and end up feeling depressed about their body.  There is none of that stress with a personal stylist.  A good personal stylist will do all the work for you.  They will only pick items that flatter you, they'll do all the holding and lugging of hangers, they'll track down the illusive salesperson for questions and sizes, and they'll pull together the outfits so you don't have to lift a finger.  To top it all off the stylist can be responsible for the payment of the items so the recipient doesn't even have to look at a single price tag.  I guarantee they will feel like a king or queen for a day!

If you really want to go big and give the whole package, here's an idea for a full day event:

To start, the stylist arrives in a chauffeured car to pick up your celebrity client.  Since it will probably be morning, you can have coffee and something to nibble on in the car.

Next they will be whisked off to several stores.  If your stylist does their homework they might have already set aside some outfits based off of a picture and description of your loved one that you've provided.  They will have spoken to the salesperson and let them know that you have a VIP client coming and they should be treated as such.

Once the outfits have been chosen your loved one is taken to a salon to have their hair and grooming done: nails and makeup for a woman; shave and grooming for a man.

Once they are all clean and groomed they put on one of their new outfits and are driven to a beautiful restaurant, or other spot, where you are waiting for them to enjoy the rest of your evening together.

It will be a day of pampering and spoiling that your significant other will never forget!